Quality Assurance

TRSN’s Software Quality Assurance service (SQA) is a process that aims to ensure that a software product meets the required standards of quality and functionality. This process involves testing the software at various stages of development to identify and correct any defects or errors that may have been introduced during the software development life cycle. TRSN’s SQA service also involves creating and maintaining documentation that describes the testing process, results, and any necessary corrective actions. Additional services include manual and automation testing practices, for both black and white box testing.

White box testing is a method of testing a software application where the tester has access to and knowledge of the internal design and structure of the application. API automation testing would be an example of white box testing.

At TRSN we provide manual and automation testing for back-end services for API, Internal platforms and end-to-end workflows. The goal is to ensure a high-quality, reliable, and user-friendly product to the end-user. Our code is merged in to your source code for easy reliable and consistent testing with every deployment.

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What is Front End Quality Assurance?

TRSN’s Front-end software quality assurance (QA) is the process of testing and verifying the quality and functionality of the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of a software application. This includes testing the design, layout, and functionality of the UI, as well as the usability and accessibility of the application.

What is Back End Quality Assurance?

TRSN’s Back-end software quality assurance (QA) is the process of testing and verifying the quality and functionality of the underlying systems and infrastructure of a software application. This can include testing the database, server-side code, and integration with other systems. Back-end QA focuses on ensuring that the software is reliable, scalable, and secure, and that it performs as expected under different conditions and workloads.