Top Ranked Software Network

Cyber Security Image

– Software Automation and Quality Assurance Testing

  • UI and UX manual and automation testing for your WebApp and Mobile platforms.
  • API Automation Testing.
  • ISTQB Test Strategy, Planning and Test Case documentation for your stakeholders.
  • Our code is merged into your code base, giving you all the future control.

– Lead Generation and Social Media Management

  • Fully Automated Channel Postings to the top social media platforms.
  • Top Ranked Digital Marketing for Lead Generation, Appointment Setting and Bookings.
  • Full Lead generation to CRM Automation. Never miss a lead again.
  • Team Round Robin and Weighted Leads Assignments. Boost your top performers.
  • CRM customer email and drip automation.
  • Expert advice and guidance to organizations on how to design, implement, and maintain an effective SMM, Lead Gen and CRM.

– Cyber Security Operations Center Consulting

  • Protect your business assets. Krackin Security Consulting gives you peace of mind.
  • Expert advice and guidance to organizations on how to design, implement, and maintain an effective SOC.
  • Ongoing Training and Mentoring of staff.
  • Ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the SOC remains effective over time.

Security Operation Center – SOC

Security Consulting by Krackin Security.

Security Operations Centers (SOCs) are centers that provide a range of security services, including monitoring, incident response, and threat intelligence. Krackin Security Operation Center (KSOC) consulting provides expert advice and guidance to organizations on how to design, implement, and maintain an effective SOC.

KSOC helps organizations to establish policies and procedures, implement technology solutions, and develop the necessary processes and frameworks to ensure the effective operation of the SOC.

KSOC consulting is involve in training and mentoring of staff, as well as ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the SOC remains effective over time.

Software Quality Assurance and Testing – SQA

TRSN Software Quality Assurance and Automation Testing.

Software Quality Assurance and Automation is a process life cycle that aims to ensure that a software product meets the required standards of quality and functionality. This process involves testing the software at various stages of development to identify and correct any defects or errors that may have been introduced during the development process.

TRSN Quality Assurance also involves creating and maintaining documentation that describes the testing process, results, and any necessary corrective actions.

The goal of TRSN Software Quality Assurance is to deliver a high-quality, reliable, and user-friendly product to the end-user.

TRSN Automated Lead Generation and Digital Marketing

Lead Gen How It Works:
1. Target Audience Identification: Define your ideal customer profile based on demographic, geographic, or behavioral characteristics.
2. Content Creation: Develop compelling content that addresses your target audience’s pain points or challenges.
3. Landing Pages, Funnels and Forms: Create dedicated landing pages and Funnels with forms to capture lead information.
4. Traffic Generation: Drive traffic to your landing pages through SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, or email campaigns.
5. Lead Capture and Management: Automatically capture and store lead information in a database or CRM system.
6. Lead Nurturing: Implement automated campaigns to engage and build relationships with prospects.
7. Lead Scoring and Qualification: Use automated lead scoring to rank leads based on engagement and fit with your ideal customer profile.

By leveraging automated lead generation, you can streamline your efforts, save time, and scale your lead generation activities effectively.

TRSN Social Media Management (SMM)

SMM What It Involves:

1. Social Media Strategy: Develop a plan aligned with your goals and target audience.

2. Content Creation and Publishing: Create engaging content (text, images, videos) and schedule it for posting.

3. Community Management: Monitor and respond to comments, messages, and mentions.

4. Social Listening and Monitoring: Track conversations and user sentiment related to your brand or industry.

5. Analytics and Reporting: Analyze data to measure performance and make data-driven decisions.

6. Social Advertising: Run paid campaigns to reach a broader audience and achieve specific goals.

7. Influencer Management: Collaborate with industry experts to amplify your brand’s reach and credibility.

By implementing TRSN Social Media Management, you can enhance your online presence and engage with your target audience effectively.

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Security and Quality at Scale